Tuesday, September 20, 2011

whoot whoot- Got my hair done and New Prime Time Line Up!

It's about dang time! I got in and got out with fresh highlights and little trim. 

So many new shows, but so little time!! I have had to create a "plan" for my DVR's. Which shows I want to record on which TV. Sounds like I am an addict, doesnt it? Well, maybe a little! It is nice though, just to sit back and watch mindless shows. Shows that do not require thinking or added stress. Just to absorb myself into the couch with the kids, grab a blanket, watch, and laugh!! Pin It Pin It

Monday, September 19, 2011

Today's word of the day....... CAFFEINE (in any form)

Ode to Monday! Hard to wake up and hard to stay awake, unless .......... you have help!  CAFFEINE, Oh what a wonderful word. I don't mind going to work, in fact I actually like it this year. Yup! I like it! Maybe its because I teach just Math or it could be I have a student teacher or it could be that I have lucked out and have 75 wonderful "little people"! Maybe it is a Combo #3!!! It's just the rolling over, looking at the clock, hitting snooze, part that I am struggling with.

Chinese paper throwing star
I also love the fact that at 10:00am in the morning- that I want to text some sweet messages to the Hubby; but at 8:00pm when he and the kids are throwing Chinese Throwing Stars at each other and making Poppers I seem to have selective memory of those thoughts. At least, they are male bonding.

"They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel!"

Wine seems to be the word of the night! I am thinking red tonight. AND if one of those.....stars hit me again, I will be making one for my OWN defense!

Mark works relentlessly on his star, even researched!!! I wish he put this much effort into EVERYTHING that he did!

Pin It Pin It

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Cookie Lee Show --- Success!!!

First Cookie Lee Home Show was yesterday! YEAH!!!! We all had soooooo much fun. I am so thankful for all of my oh so fabulous friends for coming out and supporting me. Love, Love, Love them!!!

 Everyone was able to find some "BLING" and accessorize!

The first guest arrived at 2:00 and my last guest left at 11:00. It was great just hanging out, chit-chatting, eating, then watching Saturday Night Live!

Pin It Pin It

Thursday, August 11, 2011

First Day of school!

WOW!!! Summer is gone and I met my new kids today (all 75 of them)!!! I am teaching Math this year, and I am actually pumped about it now! I am excited to JUST teach math and really dig into it with my kids for a 90 minute block!!

Overall, the parents seem very supportive. I hope I still think this come September! I hope mom is still there then too. Since someone is back that wasnt supposed to be. :( BOOO. I had some parents say that they heard alot of good things of about me. I hope to meet their expectations! That being said, I am excited. Teaching is where I am suppose to be. But I just hate all of the testing. What I want to "produce" is a group of kids tht love learning and that will make a huge difference in our society. I want to be the person that inspires them to do and become anything that they can dream of!!

So, I am still thinking about my motto for the year, "Don't let the things you cant control, control you!" I just keep repeating it over and over and hopefully it will be inbedded in my mind.

My oldest starts 3rd grade tomorrow, I can not believe that he is growing up so super fast. I remember when he didnt want to leave me. Now, he doesnt want me to walk him to class anymore. I am proud but also sad of this new revalation. But I know that he will still come to me when he needs me.

My hubby goes out of town on business the weekend. ;( another sad face.  We will miss him bunches. I already am looking forward to him coming home on Sunday.
Pin It Pin It

Monday, August 8, 2011

It's Official .....

The 2011-2012 school year has begun. Today was our official day back. We had inservice and learned..... I am not sUre exactly what we learned today. With me falling on Sarurday my foot is still a very pretty shade of purple and I doubt I will get to wear my pretty sandals to work on Thurs. :(.

Today my oldest turned 8 and will start the 3rd grade on Friday. I can't believe how time goes by so quickly. I wish my grandmothers were still here to see my fabulous little boys. Ethan will turn 4 on the 17th Pin It Pin It

Friday, July 29, 2011

Really?? Another Change, I should have known....

I had a long conversation with a wonderful friend today. I learned she was getting married (congrats--on the 4th time (I think)) HAHA! and that I will not be teaching what I had planned on all summer long. I always said that there is reasons for things even if they are not clear at the time. So maybe, this will be one. Is it worth it to talk to the principal and even ask why? Then, I ask myself-Do I really need to be a teacher-is that my true calling and my first instinct is YES! So let be what be and just plan on a good start of school. 

I feel that I am rambling and not making any sense, maybe it is a good thing that I wont be teaching Langauage. HAHA!

"Don't let things that you have no contol of, control you!" ~ Holly (my new and made up quote for the day). Pin It Pin It

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

So much to do, so little time to do it. So I must lay at the pool!

That's my moto today!! I woke up at 4:00 am and began my day with work. I seriously doubt that a teacher really ever has summers off. I plan, plan, and then plan some more. One might say, "well at least you don't have to do much planning during school year". Well to that I stick my tongue out to. I never stop planning, oh wait, yes I do because I have to GRADE papers!!

So, then I add to my plate selling jewelry. What was I thinking? That was just it, I was thinking and I am excited and must love teaching.

I did get 7 parties scheduled for Fall. Who ever said that life was simple & easy. I don't know if I would enjoy such a life!! Pin It Pin It

Monday, July 25, 2011

Rub, a dub, dube--Two guys in a tube!

So yesterday, ended up not being a wash out! We had an absolutely wonderful time on the lake with my family! Finally, Jody and Beth got to come out with us!

I also had a first yesterday! I went through a Dam Lock. It was really neat. Ethan was little scared, but overall it was something that I am glad we did.

Today will be filled with school work, school work, and some more school work. Ethan is already laying in bed with me will I am working! It looks like rain, so I wont be tooo upset about working today and not spending it in the pool. Pin It Pin It

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I wake up in the morning feeling like ....

Ugh! I hate waking up in the early morning
Hours, like 2 am and staying up until 4:45 restless. We should have a busy day today. I told
The boys NO boat until house is clean. So we
Will see if and when we will go. Mark has the tube strapped on, so maybe that will motivated them some.

just one hour from the time I posted this, we were on the water. Note to self-WOW!! Men can move fast when they have a motivation. Great time on the water, Andrew flew up off the tube!! Did a good deed today, rescued a stranded Jet-skier and took him to the boat ramp. Kinda of scared at first, not sure if he was the river version of THE HITCHIKER! you never know!

Got home in time to cook a nice dinner and eat with the family, take a shower, and watch some T.V. 

Mark has found a new love, he just stares at the boat. He will say, are you happy too? I tell him, I will be when we sell the pontoon.!! Pin It Pin It

Friday, July 22, 2011

Cruising down the river with the fam! Watching the sunset , oh the dog days
Of summer. LOVE THEM!!!

After a day of running errands with the kids, I am enjoying the boAt ride! Mamma got some new shoes and a purse, so a little self productivity complete! Pin It Pin It

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer's Ending and there are many things popping up new!

I am now an official Cookie Lee Consultant!! Yeah, for me. I finally decided to put something that I have wanted to do for a long time into action!!. I am excited and can't wait to really start doing it.

Check it out!!  http://www.cookielee.biz/hollygailey
With the end of summer drawing near, my dear hubby decides that he wants a ski boat! It would have been great to have it in June! :-) But I a looking forward to having many fun filled outings on it. We are going to pick up tomorrow afternoon.

With Back To School commericals and ads everywhere you look, I am trying to get back in teacher mode. I do think that teachers are alot like their students; they LOOOOOOOVe their summer break! I am really going to miss time spent with my boys. They are growing up so fast; and I am so blessed to have summers with them. JUST SAY NO to year around school.

That should do it for tonight- We are about to watch Big Brother and then Rango!! I gotta get me some Johnny Depp! Pin It Pin It